Weekly Prayer Focus

Worship With Us!

Sundays: 9:00 AM Service / 10:00 AM Fellowship Time / 10:30 AM Sunday School

The latest at Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church

Stay up to date with the happenings of Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church. We hope you'll find information such as events, sermons, and more on our website that will help to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

First Sunday in Lent

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



Weekly Prayer Focus:

Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s Word and its power to transform us.  

Pray for the global church, that it may be a faithful witness to Christ.

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Lenten Season

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



Weekly Prayer Focus – Lenten Season

Pray for spiritual growth and renewal during this Lenten season.  

Pray for those who are seeking God, that they may find His peace and love.

See you at the Woodmoor Barn Community Center for the Ash Wednesday service! Service begins at 1:45 PM. 1691 Woodmoor  Dr., Monument, CO 80132 

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Preparation for Lent

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



Weekly Prayer Focus –Preparation for Lent (James 4:7 & 1 Corinthians 10:13)

Pray for hearts of repentance and humility as we prepare for Lent. Pray for strength to resist temptation and remain faithful to Christ. 

Enjoy the warmer weather and we hope to see you next Sunday!

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Encounter & Courage

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



Thanks to all who were able to join on Zoom, due to the slick roads and frigid temperatures!

This week, Pastor Stephen's sermon was titled "Answering the Call -Part II".

Access and watch the sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and finding the 2/16 selection.  

Our weekly focus is from Isaiah 6:1-13.

Weekly Prayer Focus – Encounter & Courage 

Pray for a fresh encounter with the glory of God in our worship and daily lives.  Pray for courage to follow Jesus wherever He leads, even ...
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Send Me!

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



This week, Pastor Stephen's sermon was titled "Answering the Call".

Access and listen to the sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and finding the 2/9 selection.  

Weekly focus is from Isaiah 6:1-8.

Weekly Prayer Focus - Send Me!

Pray for the poor and marginalized, that they may experience justice and hope.Pray for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ in serving others.  

See you on Sunday!

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Presentation of Our Lord

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



This week, Pastor Stephen's sermon was titled "Watching and Waiting".

Listen to the sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and selecting the February 2nd entry. 

 Weekly readings from Luke 2:22-40.

Weekly Prayer Focus -Presentation of Our Lord.

Pray for eyes to see God's salvation and hearts open to His will.Pray for patience as we seek God's grace and strength.

Enjoy the warmer weather and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

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Shining Light Through Wisdom & Discernment

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



This week's guest speaker, Steve A., gave a sermon titled "Story Telling".

Listen to the sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and selecting the January 26th entry.

Weekly Readings from Matthew 28:19-20.

Weekly Prayer Focus - Shining Light through Wisdom and Discernment.

Pray for wisdom and discernment as we seek to follow God’s call.  Pray for the ministries of our church and their impact on the community. 

 See you next Sunday!

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Isaiah 62:1-5

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



This week Pastor Stephen's sermon was titled "Proclaim It!".

Listen & watch today's sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and selecting the January 19th entry.

Weekly Readings from Isaiah 62:1-5.

Weekly Prayer Focus -Bringing Light through Unity

Pray for unity among Christians.  Pray for reconciliation and healing in our families, church, and community.  They will know we are Christians by our love.

Join us next week as guest speaker Steve A. speaks about "Storytelling".

Hope that

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Isaiah 43:1-7

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



This week, Pastor Stephen's sermon topic was "My True Identity".

Readings based on Isaiah 43:1-7.

Listen to the sermon by going to the SERMONS tab and scrolling down to the January 12th selection. 

Weekly Prayer Focus - Baptism. Pray for renewal of our baptismal vows and a commitment to live as disciples of Christ. Pray for all who are preparing for baptism in the journey of their faith.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday! Until then, keep warm.

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John 1:1-14

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The focus of this week's sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Righteous Capital".

Weekly readings from John 1:1-14.

Prayer Focus -Pray for the light of Christ to shine brightly in our lives and our community. Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s revelation through Jesus Christ.

See you on Sunday!

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Colossians 3:12-17

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The focus of this week's sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Forgiveness".

Weekly readings from Colossians 3:12-17.

Prayer Focus is Gratitude and New Beginnings. Pray that God fills your heart with gratitude.  Pray that lessons learned and blessings of the past carry into the New Year.

See you on Sunday!

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Luke 2:1-20

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The topic of the Christmas Eve Service sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Do You Hear What I Hear?".   

Readings from Luke 2:1-20

See you on Sunday!

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Numbers 24:17

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The topic of this week's sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Hope".  

Weekly Focus and readings from Numbers 24:17

Prayer focus for Advent - Hope and Expectation. Reflect on the hope Christ brings. Pray that your family and friends find Hope in Him.


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Isaiah 12:2-6

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The topic of this week's sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Joy".   Weekly Focus and readings from Isaiah 12:2-6

Pray for Advent - Joy and Celebration. Pray for Joy this Christmas. Celebrate the Joy of His birth.

 Hope that you all have a good week, and we'll see you Sunday @ 9 AM!  

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Luke 3:1-6

by: Fellowship of Christ Global Methodist Church



The topic of this week's sermon by Pastor Stephen was "Prepare For Peace".  

Weekly Focus and readings from Luke 3:1-6

Pray for peace and reflection during  Advent. The second candle of Advent (Peace) was illuminated. Pray for peace in your heart and in the world. Reflect on the year and God's faithfulness. 

Hope that you all have a good week, and we'll see you Sunday @ 9 AM!  

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