

Sundays: 9:00 AM worship, 10:30 AM sunday school

Why have Membership? 

Membership strengthens the bond of Christians in community because we have all taken the same vows in front of each other to support this congregation of Christ's universal church.  

Is Membership Required?

No.  Not to be a Christian or be welcome at Fellowship of Christ and participate in every way of worship, communion, discipleship, fellowship, service, and laughing and crying together.

Yes.  People in leadership roles--lay people who guide the spiritual, missional, and operational aspects of church--must be members.  The following activities are limited to members:  voting at church business meetings, electing Church Council members, requesting to view church records, final say on pastor selection and affiliation with a connectional denomination. 

More Information?

Membership Information, a 12-page pdf file addressing doctrine, social witness, baptism, vows, privileges, Q & A, and Bylaws..

Membership Vows and Signature, a card with the vows you submit concurrent with public vows of membership.

Also, please feel free to ask the pastor or any church council members your questions.